My name is Luciana Ponte and I was born on 18 | 1 | 81 in the city of NeuqueN, it seems to me that this is why I like capicua terms and palindromes, even if they are syllables.
A recurring theme in my projects is exploring the relationship between “art” and “the audience,” delving into the idea of a lack of communication or understanding between the artistic field and its public (issues of mediation, translation, availability or access to information), or experimenting with freely accessible resources and tools that people use to express themselves, pondering where art is, where the audience is, and who the authors are.
I also enjoy relating this idea of miscommunication to the interpersonal disconnection that we are all experiencing in the midst of the communications era, alluding to superficial connections and feelings of loneliness and isolation that have become the new norm in these times. The thirst for attention is a cry of solitude.
I like to play with contradictions between notions of the virtual vs. the real, sincerity vs. falsehood, fiction vs. documentary, pedagogy vs. satire, handmade vs. prefabricated, original vs. copy, public vs. private, personal vs. collective.
•Degree in Arts, IUNA (National Institute of Art) Buenos Aires.
• Scolarship for the Artists Program at University Torcuato Di Tella (2013)
• Scolarship for the Artistic Research Centre-CIA (2014)
• Alec Oxenford Collection Scholarship for artist trips, 2015.
• Selected in 2011 by the National Endowment for the Arts for Seminar with Rafael Cippolini.
• Selected in 2010 for the seminar Research Laboratory
in Contemporary Artistic Practices (LIPAC) in the Centro Cultural Rojas, Bs As.
• Special jury mention in the Central Bank National Painting Prize, 2020.
• Finalist in the “Jovenes Grabadores” Award, 2020.
• Finalist for National award UADE Visual Arts, 2015.
• “Vairoletto Foundation” Award in Buenos Aires Faena Arts Center, 2013.
• “Young ephemeral” with “” project. CCPE Rosario, 2011.
• Young Award, “competition Fotocáceres” CEXECI Caceres, Spain cultural center. 2009.
• Online residency for the platform, 2020.
• “La Verdi” Residency, México City, 2019.
• “Casa 3 Patios”, Medellin, Colombia, 2016.
• “Sin Espacio” Residency, Cali Colombia, 2016.
• “El Parche Art Residency” Bogotá, Colombia, 2014.
• “Casa 13” Córdoba, Argentina, 2012.
• “Private Long Weekend”, MACRO Museum, Santa Fe, Argentina 2012.
• “Post-internet art history” ASAB University, Bogotá Colombia, 2015.
• “Leisured Guerrilla, revolutionary remix from the comfort of your home”
Platform Parque Explora Bogota and Medellin, Colombia, 2014.
•”Meme Lab” at Casa 13, Córdoba; MACRO Museum and Rosario
Rawson Franklin Museum in San Juan, 2013.
• “Copy & paste” Meridión Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2011.
•”NO NTIEN2 XQ T KIERO” in Casa Equis Gallery, Mexico City 2020.
• “Confort Zone” Casa Entera, Mexico city 2019.
• “Solo show” Espacio KB, Bogotá 2018.
• “All about me” UV estudios, Buenos Aires 2017.
• “Beads and trinkets” Sin Espacio, Cali, Colombia 2015.
• “We are all made of stars” Big Sur Gallery, Bs As 2014,
and in Mal de archivo, Rosario 2015.
• “The cube” Cultura Pasajera, Psje Pam, Rosario 2011.
• ”Point of sale” Antrofinno. Santiago de Chile 2008.
• “Geografías flotantes”, Centro multimedia CENART, Ciudad de México, 2023.
• “Corazón Egoísta” , Ache Galería, San Luis Potosí, México, 2023.
• “dd/mm/aaaa”, Espacio Odeon, Bogotá, 2022.
• “Just a Girl” Museo Nacional de las Culturas, Ciudad de México, 2021.
• “Shhhhhh Bai” as part of the Artist Chain of Arebyte Gallery, London, 2021.
•”Habitaciones_escenarios”, Museo Cabañas, Guadalajara, México, 2021.
• “Maldita primavera”, Galería Abrir, Perú, Lima. 2020.
• “Change my mind”, Perfuch-Disidente performance festival, Bs As. 2018.
• “The image burns”, Byte Footage Festival , CCK, Bs As. 2018.
• 3era Biennial of Contemporary Art NQN, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Neuquén, Argentina, 2017.
• “No artists needed”, Sin Espacio y Lugar a dudas, Cali, Colombia, 2017.
• “Duty Free”, KB, Bogotá, Colombia, 2016.
• “Globo 2”, en PorEstosDías, Medellín, Colombia, 2016.
• “Paradise Between Us Vol ii”, en MAXXX, Suiza, 2016.
• “Challenges for the survival of the cutest” Colectivo Elvira, Flora ars+natura, Bogotá, 2016.
• “Who teaches who?”, en CA2M Centro de Arte, Madrid, 2015.
• “Racconto”, Sin Espacio, Cali, Colombia, 2015.
• BYOB (Bring.your.own.beamer) Bogotá, 2015.
• “One and several wolves”, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Bs.As, 2013.
• “I Fuorilegge” Fundacion Vairoletto Awards, Faena Arts Center, Bs As 2013.
• “Cristina’s Milanese” Galerías Efímeras, Córdoba 2013.
• “Zodiacologia” Museo del Diario Capital, Rosario,2012.
• “Work in p(c)” Medialab La Cúpula, Córdoba,2012.
•“I made the wounds”,2012 Triple X Acción Mutante, Rosario.
• “A la cal” 8th art week 2012, Rosario.
• ”Capital Issues” Casa de la cultura del
Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires,2012.
•”Intersecciones”, MAMBO Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Colombia,2012.
• “” Ivan Rosado, Rosario 2011 .
• “Female rituals” Museo del Diario Capital, 2011 Rosario.
• “” Centro cultural del Parque España.
• “The real, the real, the real” Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Bs As, 2011.
•“Concurso Fotocáceres”, centro cultural CEXECI Caceres, España, 2010.
• “The collective”, Center for Contemporary Arts, Rosario, 2009, 2010 y 2011.
• Project A, San Telmo, Bs As, 2007 .