A digital exaltation that preaches the critical eye,
the didactic trolling,
the kawaii errorism
and the combative ridicule
suitable for all audiences.
An ode to Marta Traba,
our sacred lady of the media,
who this time decides to explore vapowave landscapes
made from clichés of post-internet art.
Martha Gangsta #glitchbitch
>>> click here

* Marta Traba was an Argentine-Colombian art critic and writer, eminent in the study of Latin American art. Always controversial, loved and detested, this woman took the art to television when this medium recently entered Colombia in the 60s.
The importance of Marta is that art became a problem of public discussion, it took it out of the particular circle of artists and made the whole country feel qualified to comment on the subject.
This project reveals part of a research process that began at the Residence WITHOUT SPACE, in the city of Cali, Colombia, which was possible thanks to the Alec Oxenford Collection Scholarship for artist trips, 2015 edition.
This project was shown in:
• “Espejitos de colores” Sin Espacio, Cali, Colombia 2015
• “La imagen arde”, Festival Byte Footage, CCK, Bs As 2018